INSPIRATION // 13-Year Old Severn Suzuki Speaks At United Nations Meeting
After seeing this video on YouTube we went silent for a moment. Check out this 6 minute video of the 13-year-old Severn Suzuki. This Canadian girl calls at a meeting of the United Nations for the future of her generation. She translates the feelings and thoughts of 99% of the world’s population.
This was in 1992.
Don’t you think that makes the story even more impressive?
Severn Suzuki and three Vancouver schoolmates raised money to go to the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Her speech to delegates had such an impact that she became a frequent invitee to U.N. conferences. Nowadays, Severn Cullis-Suzuki is an activist for diversity – in the natural world, in human society and in cultural worldviews. She began as child, calling on leaders for intergenerational justice for her generation. Today she fights for the future of her own children.
A proud global citizen, her work is often on a international level; but it is rooted in Canada where she is an author and environmental communicator, and in the treeroots and salmon streams of her home province of British Columbia, where she lives on Haida Gwaii.
Watch her first speech as a 13-year old.